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Category: Relationships

How To Manage Long Distance Relationships at University

Navigating a Long Distance Relationship (LDR) while juggling the change of lifestyle at university can be challenging.

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Staying Safe Using Dating Apps 

Dating apps have become a popular way of meeting someone…

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Exploring Different Ways to Be Intimate with Others 

As you grow up, you might become interested in learning…

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From Teen To Parent – A Guide to Teenage Pregnancy

One of the consequences of having unprotected sex is pregnancy…

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Respecting Boundaries: Understanding Consent

Sexual relationships can be enjoyable between two consenting adults over…

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Getting an STI Test and Free Condoms

An STI means a Sexually Transmitted Infection, an infection passed…

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Consent: How Do People Get It So Wrong?

This week is Sexual Health Week 2018 and this year’s theme is…

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Consent Week: Life Is Not A Fairy Tale

This week is Sexual Health Week 2018 and this year’s theme is…

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