Tips For Living Together Peacefully During Covid-19

Sharing a home when relationships are under strain can be really difficult under normal circumstances, but especially so during this period of lockdown. Here we offer tips on how to get on with the people you live with.
This is part 1 of 3 in a series of articles looking at housing and relationships during Covid-19. Part 2 and Part 3 will look at what to do when you can’t live with the situation and you need to get out.
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We’ve had some time to get used to the Covid-19 restrictions now. For some, things have got easier over time, but for others the strain of being together all the time is just getting worse. Families and housemates are struggling with having to spend more time together – tensions and arguments will happen but there are things you can do to make yourself, and the people you live with, feel better. Give the following tips a try:

Time to yourself
Taking some time for yourself is important. Take deep breaths and relax. This is a great way to avoid any unnecessary arguments and you’ll feel better afterwards.

Listen to music that will make you feel good, sing, play an instrument or dance (using headphones if needed).

Write down your feelings on paper. Letting go of difficult emotions helps, leaving you calmer and more at peace.

Try something arty. You could try making a collage from magazine cuttings or draw a self-portrait or caricature.

Suggest doing some fun activities together. Laughter makes everyone feel better.

Think of ways to let each other know when you’re feeling stressed. Agree to respect each other’s need for calm.

Offer to help if someone’s struggling. This can make a huge difference to how you both feel.

Keep fit
Exercise is a good way to get those frustrations out and the endorphins will leave you feeling better afterwards – it can also be a reason to get out of the house.

Meeting with others
Meet up with another household, outdoors, at a 2-metre distance. Restrictions have been lifted a little so this will help ease some of the strain of being with the same people all the time.
Is the above not helping?
If things are unbearable at home, or if you’re being harmed or don’t feel safe, then check out the following articles for Under 18’s and Over 18’s.