Grab The Meic: Bullied By My Ex For Being A Lesbian
Exploring your sexuality can be a difficult thing as it is, without having to deal with being bullied because of it. Jade contacted Meic after an ex-boyfriend turned nasty when she told him she was a lesbian. Here’s our advice.
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This article is also available in Welsh – I ddarllen y cynnwys yma yn Gymraeg – clicia yma.
Hi Meic,
There’s something I need to get off my chest. About a week ago I started dating a boy in the grade above me, but then I started noticing that I was lesbian. So I told him, thinking that he would understand. He did not and he started bullying me. Today on the bus he pulled my earring, causing my ear to rip. He didn’t even say sorry.
Jade (*name changed to protect their identity)
Meic’s Advice
Hi Jade,
I’m really sorry to hear that the boy you were dating has been bullying you. What he did to you was very wrong, I imagine it hurt too that he didn’t apologise for his behaviour. I hope that your ear is healing and that you sought some medical attention if it was a bad tear.
You shouldn’t have to suffer
You have a right to end a relationship without fear of bullying, abuse or violence. Did you tell anyone about what he did, for example, your parents or someone in school?
If you wanted to take it further then you could report the boy to a member of staff at the school, so that they are aware of his behaviour towards you. You could also tell the police as what he has done to you, tearing your ear in that way, is a physical assault. If you do decide you want to report this to the police, then you should ring 101 – the non-emergency phone number.
If you haven’t spoken to anyone else about this, then you might want to think about talking through your options with someone before making a decision. If you feel you can’t talk to anyone then you can always contact Meic, and we can help you to look at the things you can do to try and bring an end to this bullying, including the options mentioned above.
Exploring your sexuality
It sounds like you’re in the process of exploring your sexuality, discovering that you are a lesbian, and that’s absolutely your right to do so without fear of bullying or discrimination. Again, if this is something that you’d like to talk about you could contact Meic, or, if you prefer, there are LGBT helplines that can also offer support like the LGBT Cymru Helpline or Switchboard.
Check out this Am I Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual? page on the NHS website which can help with facts and advice if you have any questions.
The fact that you’ve reached out to us for help is really positive. If you would like further information, advice or advocacy, you can contact us by text, instant messaging or telephone. There are also lots of useful articles about all kinds of subjects on our website, including ones on bullying and relationships, so check out our news section.
We hope this information has been useful to you, and that the bullying ends soon.
Take care
The Meic Helpline Team
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Meic is an information and advocacy helpline for children and young people aged 0-25 in Wales. We are open 8am to midnight, 7 days a week. You can contact us free on the phone (080880 23456), text message (84001) or online chat.