Choose Respect This Anti-Bullying Week

This week is Anti-Bullying Week 2018 and we’re running a weeklong campaign here on Meic with articles and videos on the subject. Check out links to our other articles at the bottom of this article as they appear during the week.
I ddarllen yr erthygl hon yn Gymraeg, clicia yma.
The theme of this year’s Anti-bullying Week is Choose Respect over bullying and we wanted to look further into this here at Meic. In this article we take a look at equality, diversity and respect and why it’s important.
Following a large consultation with children, teachers and members, the Anti-bullying Alliance (the people that organise Anti-bullying week) says: “It emerged that a top priority was showing that bulling is a behaviour choice, and that children and young people can set a positive example by choosing to respect each other at school, in their homes, their communities, and online.”
A diverse culture
Our culture and laws here in Wales gives us the freedom to express ourselves and be who we want to be. We are encouraged to fully participate in everything in modern day Wales. The factors that may have been used to exclude people in the past, such as disability, race, sex etc. can no longer be used to hold people back. People from all around the world have decided to settle here and make Wales their home, with everyone contributing to the rich tapestry of our culture. This, along with our freedoms, results in a really interesting and diverse mix of people.
Having a diverse culture means that we have a lot of diversity in our lives. We have different foods, a range of music and dance, disabled people taking part in sports events etc.
Showing respect
If we have the freedom to be who we want to be, living in a diverse culture, then we have to have respect. We have to respect these differences. Imagine what kind of life you would have without all the diversity you have in your community. Think about food, sports, fashion, music, dance, books and much, much more. Would you like to live in a world where you can be who you want to be, listen to the music you like, eat the food you enjoy, dress how you like to dress? Or would you rather have it dictated to you how you should be doing things?
Take this information and think about it in your own setting, at school perhaps. What about that person who dresses a bit differently? Is a bit quieter? Speaks a different language? Has something different in their lunchbox? Has a hobby you think is strange? Do they not have the same right to be who they want to be?
Remember that every person has the same rights and freedom as each other. Just because something is different to you doesn’t mean that it’s wrong. It’s important to remember that we are all different, and this is what makes us unique and special. This is why you should CHOSE RESPECT this Anti-bullying week, and every other week.

Celebrating differences
The lesson to be learnt here is that you should be proud and confident in your differences and respect and celebrate differences in others.
Take time to notice the difference and diversity in people, the way someone acts, dresses, thinks, speaks etc. Then celebrate and enjoy these differences and think about how it makes them unique and special and adds to our diverse and interesting culture.
If you don’t understand something don’t alienate it as being wrong or weird. Find out more about it by asking. Don’t be afraid of things you don’t understand, learn about them and show an interest.
Choose respect not bullying.

Call Meic
If bullying is worrying you and you need to talk to someone about it then you can call us here at Meic (or text or IM). Our friendly advisers are here to help and guide you to places that can help you.