Grab the Meic: I’m Being Bullied

Gwen is being bullied and has reached out to us for advice in the latest Grab the Meic.
Grab the Meic is your opportunity to ask us about anything that’s worrying you. We’re here to listen and give advice. If you want to #grabthemeic then check out this page, but remember this advice is not instant. If you need advice quickly then please contact the helpline.
(This article is also available in Welsh – I ddarllen y cynnwys yma yn Gymraeg, clicia yma)
Hi Meic,
I’m being bullied by Adam.
Please help me
Gwen (*name changed to protect their identity)
Meic’s Advice
Hi Gwen,
First of all I’m really sorry to hear that you are going through this at the moment with Adam. Bullying can be a tough experience for a young person and can cause you to feel bad about yourself, which is not okay. Sometimes people might say something that hurts you without realising, and its important to let them know that this has upset you – they may want to apologise. However, bullying is when someone does something to you repeatedly, and they know that this is causing you hurt.
A Right Not To Be Bullied
Young people across Wales have a right not to be bullied. If this is something that you have been experiencing then there are lots of things that can be done by you, and for you, to help sort it out. Check out our A Right Not To Be Bullied article.
The Mix have a special section looking at how to Beat Bullying. Check it out.
We also have a great article on Meic that gives tips for you and your parents about what steps to take if you’re being bullied. The best place to start is to talk to someone about this. This could be a parent/guardian, a teacher or another trusted adult. If you feel you can’t talk to anyone, then you can call us at the Meic helpline to talk it through. We’re here everyday from 8am to midnight.
We hope this information is of some help to you. If there’s anything you don’t understand or if you want to talk about anything in more detail, then drop us a call, text or Instant Message and we can explain things further.
Take Care
The Meic Team.
Call Meic
If you need to talk to someone about anything that’s bothering you, then call Meic to talk to a friendly advisor.
Meic is an information and advocacy helpline for children and young people aged 0-25 in Wales. We are open 8am to midnight, 7 days a week. You can contact us free on the phone (080880 23456), text message (84001) or online chat.