Raheem Bailey – Help If You’ve Been Affected By Bullying

You may have heard the story of Raheem Bailey on social media and in the news recently and the awful consequences of the bullying he suffered. Raheem lost his finger trying to get away from other children who his mother says were racially bullying him. If you’ve been affected by this story or your own experiences, Meic is here to help.
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What happened to Raheem?
Raheem, 11, from Blaenau Gwent, said he was trying to escape from bullies at his school but caught his finger trying to climb a fence to escape. He had to have surgery, but unfortunately, they couldn’t save his finger. His mother says that children at his school have been racially abusing and bullying him because of his height.
Gwent Police and Blaenau Gwent Council are investigating the incident.
What is bullying?
Bullying is when someone repeatedly does something that hurts another person. It’s not just physical attacks; it can be teasing, name-calling, threats or online bullying.
There are lots of reasons why bullies might choose to pick on someone. It can be about someone’s sexual preferences, skin colour, religion, sex, height, weight, or any other number of reasons. But one thing is certain – bullying is NEVER ok. You have a right not to be bullied.
Racism and racial bullying is when someone abuses or bullies someone else because of their race, ethnicity or culture. This can be done verbally, physically or through messages. It’s illegal to physically attack someone or treat them differently because of their race.
What should I do?
Bullying is not your fault. Talk to someone and tell them what’s happening. Even if you’re scared or being threatened, telling someone is the best way of getting the bullies to stop. Once you tell someone, things can be done to help you.
Your school is legally required to have an anti-bullying policy. Check out our blog, 6 Steps To Take If You’re Being Bullied, which has advice on how to report bullying and how to make official complaints if your school won’t listen.
If you are being bullied yourself, worried about someone else being bullied, or still suffering from past bullying experiences, ask for help.
Maybe you have bullied other people yourself, and Raheem’s experience has made you think about your own actions, and you need help to stop.
If Raheem’s experience has affected you in any way, Meic is here to help. If you don’t know who to talk to, or struggling to find someone that takes you seriously, then Meic is here to listen, offer advice and can advocate on your behalf (talk to someone else for/with you).
Further information
Check out these Meic blogs:
- 6 Steps to Take If You’re Being Bullied
- Grab the Meic: I’m Being Bullied
- 10 Cyberbullying Facts and Tips
- A Right Not To Be Bullied
- How to Start a Conversation to Share a Problem
Childline – explains what racism and racial bullying is, what you can do, how to help other people, why some people are racist and how to speak out about racism.
Stop Hate UK – a great online resource hub for young people, including what online hate crime is, how to challenge it and how to report it.
Kidscape – top tips of what to do if you’re being bullied.
Bullies Out – information for young people that are being bullied, how to help someone else who’s being bullied and if you are a bully yourself.
Young Minds – guides on bullying, getting help and tips from other young people.
Photo credit: Shared by Shantal Bailey, Raheem’s mother, on Facebook
Want to talk?
If you need to talk confidentially about anything that’s worrying you, whether that be bullying related or anything else, then Meic is here to listen and offer advice every day between 8am and midnight. Text, Call or chat to us online.