Do Something Kind This Anti-Bullying Week

The theme for Anti-Bullying Week (15-19 November) this year is One Kind Word, encouraging people to be kind to each other. We take a look at why this week is important and share some ideas about some kind things you can do.
This article is also available in Welsh – I ddarllen y cynnwys yma yn Gymraeg – clicia yma
What is Anti-Bullying Week?
Anti-bullying week is organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance in order to raise awareness of bullying and encouraging us all to be kinder and do what we can to help stop bullying. The week gets a lot of attention on TV, in newspapers, on websites and even in Parliament and you might even do work around the theme at school.
Why is it important?
Research shared by the Anti-Bullying Alliance shows that 30% of children have been bullied in the past year, and 17% of these were bullied online. Their research also states that around 1 child in every classroom experiences bullying everyday. It is so common that you are likely to have come across it at some point, whether that be suffering from bullying yourself, seeing someone being bullied, or even taken part in bullying behaviour yourself.
Bullying can have a negative effect on lots of things including your mental and physical health, your relationships with others and sometimes your future prospects.
What can you do?
Why not use Anti-Bullying Week to make a promise to yourself:
- Speak up if you’re being bullied – tell someone you trust
- Don’t stand by and watch someone being bullied – encourage them to talk to someone who can help
- Don’t say or do things that can hurt others – seek help if you feel you have problems that make you act out like this
One kind word or little acts of kindness can really make a difference to someone’s day, your small bit of kindness might be the best thing that happens to them that day/week/month. It can also make you feel good. Kindness doesn’t have to cost you a penny. Check out these ideas and pick a few out to try this week:
- Leave a positive comment on someones social media post
- Pay someone a compliment
- Smile and say hi
- Offer to share your snacks
- Write someone a nice letter or send them a card
- Message a friend telling them what you like about them
- Create a music playlist for someone
- Cook someone a meal or make them a cuppa
- Visit or call someone who is lonely
- Offer to help someone
- Message someone after getting home telling them how much you enjoyed spending time with them
- Lend someone a book you really enjoyed
- If you see someone on their own, ask them to join you
- Say sorry to someone you’ve been mean to
- Reconnect with old friends
- Listen to someone and show that you’re interested in what they are saying.
- Make someone a gift for no reason
- Give someone a hug (remember to keep it safe with Covid)
- Ask someone to come along to an after school club/cinema/cafe with you
- Support someone to do something they are scared of
- If someone looks shy and are on their own, go talk to them
- Support someone to go and talk to an adult if they have a problem
Bullying help
Meic has a really informative blog if you’re being bullied, telling you which steps you should take to try and get things sorted. If you’re worried about bullying, or if there’s anything else that’s worrying you, then contact Meic. Our friendly advisors can help. Call (080880 23456) text (84001) or chat to us online.