What Next? 10 Things to Do After Exams
Exam season is over! Give yourself a big pat on the back for making it through those long hours of exam prep and stress. You can finally relax and hang out with your friends and family without feeling guilty about taking breaks from revision!
This article is also available in Welsh. I ddarllen y cynnwys yma yn Gymraeg – clicia yma
Now that you’ve got some more free time on your hands, you might not be sure exactly what to do with it. You could be bored or worried about your next steps before results day. Here’s a guide about making the best use of your time after exams.
1. Relax
No more frantically highlighting revision guides, making flashcards or doing past papers. Without the stress of exams looming, you can finally relax and breathe. Congratulate yourself for all the hard work you’ve put in, and let your mind and body relax.
2. Get outside
You’re finally free from that desk! Try to enjoy some of the warmer and sunnier weather (🤞🙏🏽). Take a stroll in the park or on the beach, plan a picnic, or offer to take your neighbour’s dog out for a walk.
3. Practice self-care
Self-care is about focussing on looking after yourself. It doesn’t have to mean having a long soak in the bath, moisturising, and eating your 5 a day (although that could help). Self-care might be doing something you enjoy like video gaming, skateboarding or craft.
4. Meet up with friends
Just because exams are over and you’re no longer in school, sixth form or college, you can still see your mates. Message your friends and ask them to meet up or look for ways to make new friends.
5. Family time
During exams season, you may have only seen your family at mealtimes. Make an effort to spend more time with the people you live with. You could plan to go out together or show appreciation by helping around the house. Get in touch with family who may live further away and update them on how things are going.
6. Go on holiday
Going away on holiday with friends can be a great way to unwind and celebrate. Just remember to stay aware, stay safe and stay together. If you go on holiday, make sure you:
- Check on the people you’re travelling with to make sure they’re okay
- Go to places in pairs or groups
- Be aware of your surroundings, especially if it’s late at night
- Stay away from the edge of buildings and cliffs
- Keep your belongings safe, especially your passport and ID, money, phone and travel insurance details
- Follow safety instructions if doing something adventurous
Tom’s Campaign: Stay Aware, Stay Safe and Stay Together has been launched on Hwb recently. It aims to teach young people how to keep safe and avoid dangerous situations when going abroad with friends for the first time. It shares the story of Tom Channon from Cardiff, who tragically died in 2018 when he went on holiday with friends after finishing their A-Levels. The campaign will be delivered to students aged 16-18 in schools and colleges across Wales. Click here to watch a video of Tom’s parents talking about their son and the campaign.
7. Start to think about your next steps
You may be thinking about what’s next after GCSEs, college and a-levels, or university. It’s good to prepare for different outcomes on results day. Think about what you’d like to do next and what you can do if things don’t go as well as you’d hoped. It may also be helpful to think about your future and whether you’d like to get some voluntary experience or a job.
8. Create a CV
A CV can be used to send to places you’d like to work or to help you get work experience. It’s a document to show your skills, experience and education. Creating a CV when you’ve got some free time can save you lots of stress down the line when you need it. You can update your CV with your grades once you receive your exam results.
9. Organise your space
Cleaning your space and organising your belongings can help keep you in a good headspace. This could be a good time to sort through some of your old schoolbooks and notes. Make some space for the next steps in your journey. Don’t throw away your notes or revision resources yet, though – you might find some of it useful for future studies or if you need to re-sit an exam.
10. Talk to Meic
Meic is the information, advice and advocacy helpline for children and young people across Wales. Contact Meic if you need to talk to someone about anything that’s worrying or upsetting you. It’s free, confidential and anonymous. The service is open from 8am-midnight every day, and you can contact them by phone, WhatsApp message, text, or online chat.