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A-Level Results – What Next?

The final chapter of your school story is finally here with A-Level results being released this week. This time of year can be stressful at the best of times, but you’ve had a lot to contend with this year because of Covid-19.

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Years and years of schoolwork have finally come to an end as you pick up your A-Level results. While you weren’t given the chance to sit any exams this year, it means you have to rely on calculated grades that have been suggested by your teachers. You might be over the moon with your results, or you might be feeling anxious because you didn’t get the grades you needed. Whatever your situation Meic is here to help. We’ll look at University options if your results are not what you expected (good or bad), discuss resits, look at other options and where you can get support.

A-Level results Black Graduation Hat

Going to University?

Your chosen university will still get your results from UCAS as normal, so you don’t have to let them know. If you have a conditional offer and you get the grades needed then you’ll have your place. Your results won’t affect an unconditional offer. If you didn’t get the grades you needed you can apply through Clearing. Try to find a place on another course or another University. You should do this as soon as possible as it’s going to be busier than ever this year. People won’t be taking their planned gap years because of the pandemic.

If you did better than expected, and you now want to go for that course or University that you didn’t apply for because you never thought you’d get the grades needed, then use the UCAS Adjustment service to look at other options. You have until 1 September to do this.

If you’ve really set your heart on a specific career and need to study for a particular degree to achieve it, then you might want to consider resits (or actually sitting the exam in this case). Contact your school/college to see what your options are regarding this

A-Level results Female apprentice being taught at drill press

Other options

Not everybody wants to go to University, or you might have changed your mind about going because of grades or other reasons. There are lots of other options available to you, like apprenticeships, internships, employment or starting a business. Check out the Working Wales website for more information on all of these. You could make an appointment to talk to an adviser at Careers Wales. You may not be able to meet them face to face at the moment but you can still contact them to discuss your options.

A-Level results Young woman in white blouse meditating

Don’t let your results get you down

Ok, so things may not have gone the way you wanted them to, but don’t let this beat you. Make a decision to move on from this and look towards the future with a positive frame of mind. Be proactive in making decisions about what to do next rather than getting depressed about how bad things have gone. It might feel like the end of the world now, but you’re in control of what happens next. Check out some of these calming pages to help you relax.

Contact Meic

If you’re really struggling to come to terms with it, and would like to talk things through with someone and look at your options together, then contact the Meic helpline by phone, text or DM. We can help you figure things out and set you on the right path again.

Meic is a confidential information, advice and advocacy helpline for children and young people aged 0-25 in Wales. We’re open 8am to midnight, 7 days a week. You can contact free on the phone (080880 23456), text message (84001) or online chat.