Coping With Exam Results – What next?

Exams are a time of worry and stress for everyone and we’ve been running a series of exam related blogs here on Meic over the last four weeks. Our previous blogs will help those of you still sitting your exams but below we will prepare you for when those results come in. What happens if they’re not as great as you were hoping? Read on.
(Gellir darllen yr erthygl yma yng Nghymraeg hefyd – I ddarllen y cynnwys yma yn Gymraeg, clicia yma)
Results day, an important day, and a day you’ve been building up to for weeks! But it isn’t the be all and end all. There are always options open to you, whatever your results. Here at Meic we’ve put together some advice about what to do next, but if you need to talk this through with anyone or want further help with anything then contact our friendly advisors by phone (080880 23456), text (84001) or IM.
1. Don’t panic!
If you’re feeling anxious, sick or angry then check out some of these calming pages that we found and take a moment to chill.
It’s not the end of the world. There are plenty of massively successful people that didn’t get the results they wanted. Take inspiration from people like Anastasia Catris, from Cardiff. She actually failed her A-Level art but has since become an illustrator and writer who has worked with the likes of DC and Marvel and published her own book of short stories Cirque Du Mort and several mindfulness colouring books.
Think carefully about what you really want to do. Getting your results can be a point in your life where you could look at other possibilities open to you. This could actually be an exciting and positive turning point for you.
DON’T FORGET – You can always re-sit your exams if you want.
2. Get advice from your Careers Adviser
Even if your results are not what you were expecting, or wanted, your school or college should be able to help. Ask to see the school Careers Advisor on results day to get support on what to do next.
Check out the Where Now? page on the Careers Wales website.
3. Contact other colleges or universities
You should still contact your chosen college or Univeristy to see if you are still able to get a place even if your results are not what you were expecting.
You can also contact other colleges or Universities to try and get a place on another course. If you want to go to University then try going through UCAS clearing.
4. Consider other options
Is going to college or university the only option you want to consider?
There are always other options such as taking a gap year and going travelling, re-sitting your exams, apprenticeships, employment or volunteering.
5. Be positive
Getting worse results than you were expecting can feel like the worst possible thing in the world at this point, but it’s what you do next that matters. In a few years time you might even be pleased with the results you got. Take a look at the steps above to figure out what to do next.
6. Get in touch
If you’re really struggling to come to terms with your results and figuring out what to do next then it might be an idea to seek help.
You can contact us here at Meic if you want to talk things through with a friendly advisor. We can help you figure things out and put you on the right path for what you need.

Meic is an information and advocacy helpline for children and young people aged 0-25 in Wales. We are open 8am to midnight, 7 days a week. You can contact us free on the phone (080880 23456), text message (84001) or online chat.
Careers Wales is a great place to start for any advice. Your school will have a Careers Adviser that you can ask to talk to, you can give them a call or you can pop in to your local Careers Wales centre for careers advice.