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Here For You Over Christmas and New Year

Lots of people look forward to Christmas. Seeing family, eating lots, playing games, giving presents. But this time of year can also be difficult for many as it can amplify the things that make us sad or angry.

I ddarllen yr erthygl hon yn Gymraeg – clicia yma

Families feeling they have to spend time together can often bring on arguments. You could have lost someone, and Christmas makes you miss them even more. It could be that you don’t have anybody to spend time with. Or maybe you just don’t feel like celebrating anything. There are many reasons why the festive holidays aren’t full of joy for everyone.

Sad young girl in red sweater and santa hat sits at the table and watches something on smartphone. Festive decoration of the room, but bad mood of person

Feeling down?

All this might make it feel like there’s a dark cloud looming over you, and the last thing you want to do is paint on a smile and celebrate with your family. The pressure of feeling that you should be enjoying yourself can push you to feel even more down and lonely.

If things are too much, remember that there are people you can talk to. We don’t shut our doors on Christmas Day at Meic. Our advisers are still here to listen, give information, offer advice, and work with you to find a way of coping. We’re open from 8am to midnight daily, even on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Call, WhatsApp Message, text or chat with us online confidentially and for free in Welsh or English. Meic is always someone on your side. 💜

If you feel like you can’t cope and are thinking of harming yourself, we encourage you to talk to someone immediately. The Samaritans are available 24 hours a day, every day of the week. You can call them free on 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org. If you’d prefer to talk to them in Welsh, they have a Welsh language service between 7pm and 11pm every night on 0808 164 0123.