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New To Meic? A Guide to Information, Advice and Advocacy 

Green Meic logo on a purple backround. The logo is in a handwritten marker style font, with a microphone acting as the letter 'I'.

Are you new to our helpline and unsure what we’re all about? Now that we’ve launched our WhatsApp messenger service this is the perfect time for us to share our Meic guide and how we can help.

What is Meic? 

Meic is a shortened version of the Welsh word for ‘microphone’ (meicroffon). It symbolises us giving you a voice – we’re passing you the microphone so that you can be heard. 

We have experienced, skilled and friendly advisers who will listen to you without judgement, take your concerns seriously, and support you to start, stop or change anything in your life that is causing you worry. We can help you find the information you need, offer advice when you’re unsure what to do, and provide advocacy when you need someone to speak on your behalf. 

You can message us on WhatsApp, call on the phone, chat online or send a text message between 8am and midnight every day. Meic is someone on your side. 

Cute illustration of a purple microphone with a smiling face and arms - the Meic mascot

How can we help you find information? 

Sometimes, finding the right information can be hard. You might not be sure if it’s correct or trustworthy. We can help you find accurate, up-to-date information on any topic and make it easier for you to understand. It could be something simple, like discovering a local sports club, or something more serious, like finding your nearest sexual health clinic. 

Cut illustration of a lightbulb with a shy smiling face and arms - one of the Meic characters that symbolises Education

How can we offer advice? 

When you’re in a tough situation and don’t know what to do, getting advice can help. We will guide you through your options without telling you what to do, helping you decide the best thing for you. 

We can advise on anything, big or small. Whether you’re struggling to make friends, feeling pressured by social media, or having relationship troubles, we can help. 

Cute illustration of a cat and a dog leaning against each other happy with eyes closed - Meic characters that symbolises the topic Relationships

How can we provide advocacy? 

Advocacy means having someone speak on your behalf to help you get your point across. It’s helpful when you have something important to say, but you don’t feel able to voice that to the people that need to know.  

We will encourage self-advocacy, if possible, which means helping you with the skills and the confidence to be able to communicate what you need for yourself. If you can’t do this, then we can pass the message on for you using your own words and make sure that you’re being listened to. An example of this could be speaking to a teacher about bullying or chasing up the support available to you. We can also set up three-way calling so that you can be on the line when we call someone else on your behalf. 

Cute illustration of a cloud and sun with faces - characters that symbolises the topic Mental Health

What is confidentiality? 

When you contact us we don’t see your number and you don’t have to give us your name. 

Confidentiality means that anything you share with us stays private within the Meic team. The only time we have to break this confidentiality is if there is a risk of serious harm to you or others. You can find out more information about this here. We will always try to tell you when we have to break confidentiality and we will explain the steps we’re taking to make sure you’re safe. 

Illustration of a mobile phone with the Meic website on the screen

How to contact Meic? 

If you’re aged up to 25, living in Wales, and need information, advice, or advocacy, you can contact Meic every day from 8 am to midnight by phone, WhatsApp, text, or online chat. Our service is free, confidential, and anonymous.  

Visit our blog section for interesting articles or our Getting Help section for helpful information on many different topics and links to services that can help. 

Remember, Meic is someone on your side, here to support you with whatever you need. We are here to listen.