Meic: Still Here For You Over The Festivities 🎄

While the festive period is a time that a lot of people look forward to it isn’t the happiest time of year for everybody. This time of year can be difficult for a lot of people, but it may be even more difficult this year because of Covid-19 restrictions.
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Family feeling obliged to spend time together over the festivities can often bring on arguments, and this year you may have already had to spend a lot of time together because of lockdowns.
New Christmas restrictions means that your household can only meet with one other household, so you might not be able to spend time with the people you love. You won’t be able to go out for meals in big groups or have a night out with friends like you might usually do. There may even be members of your family or friends that are sick.
Feeling down?
All this might make it feel like there’s a dark cloud looming over you and the last thing you want to do is paint on a smile and celebrate with your family. The pressure of feeling that you should be enjoying yourself can push you to feeling even more down and lonely.
If things are feeling too much, remember that there are people out there that you can talk to. The Meic helpline doesn’t shut it’s doors on Christmas Day, our advisers are still here to listen, give information, offer advice, and work with you to find a way of coping. We’re open 8am to midnight every single day, even on Christmas Day and New Years Day. Call, text or chat to us online confidentially and for free. Meic is someone on your side – always. 💜
If you feel like you can’t cope and you’re thinking of harming yourself then we really encourage you to talk to someone immediately. The Samaritans are available 24 hours a day, every day of the week. You can call them for free on 116 123 or email