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Meic Exam Campaign

Lots of you will be sitting exams this year. Meic has lots of blogs and tips to help you make it through.

Check out these blogs:

Power up logo for exam campaign blog

Power Up

Check out the Power Up website for exam and assessment guidance, careers advice and wellbeing tips for learners in Wales. Careers Wales, E-sgol, Qualifications Wales, WJEC and Welsh Government have worked together to create lots of resources to help learners taking exams and assessments this year. 

Contact Meic

Exams and assessments can be tough on anyone, and sometimes you might need to talk things through with someone so that things don’t get on top of you. If you don’t know who to talk to, Meic is here for you every day between 8am and midnight. Our friendly advisers will listen and offer free information, advice and advocacy in confidence. Contact on the phone (080 880 23456), WhatsApp Message (080 880 23456), text message (07 943 114 449) or online chat.