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A Level Results – Good or Bad: What Next?

Getting your A-Level results soon, or maybe you’ve already had them by the time you read this? Worried about what happens next? Read on for help.

Whether your results are better or worse than expected, you have choices. We look at University options, resits, alternatives to Uni and getting support.

University student cap mortar board and diploma with official stamp and ribbon for A Level results blog

Going to University?

The exam board will automatically send your exam results to UCAS, and they will notify your chosen University. Your options might have changed since you made your Uni decision months ago. 

Maybe there was a course you wanted to do but didn’t apply for because you didn’t think you’d get the grades. If you applied for another course or University and were offered an unconditional place, then you can choose to decline that place and go into Clearing. Ensure you’re confident you don’t want to do this course anymore. Talk to the University and your careers adviser at school or college before making this decision. UCAS has further information about this.

If things don’t go as well as planned, don’t panic. The University might still accept you on the course or offer you a different course. Log in to your UCAS account to find out. If you didn’t get in and still want to go to Uni, you can go through Clearing and see what other courses or Universities are open to you.

Check out the Going to University pages on the Working Wales website for helpful information and links, including going through Clearing, funding and choosing the right subject. 

Book With Lighbulb Cartoon Vector for A Level results blog

Taking Resits

If you’ve really set your heart on a specific career and need to study for a particular degree to achieve it, then you can resit. A-Levels can only be sat once a year, so you’ll have to wait until next June to sit them again. Talk to your teachers if you want to return to school for resits. Or you may want to move on from school and retake your exams at a local college instead. The Mix has some great advice on Exam Resits. 

Boy on computer with person hovering over teaching them what to do

Consider other options

University isn’t your only option. Maybe you didn’t get the grades you needed or just changed your mind about it.

The Welsh Government offers a Young Person’s Guarantee for 16-25-year-olds in Wales. This is an offer of support to gain a place in education or training, find a job, or become self-employed. Find out more on the Working Wales website.

If you need help discussing your options, contact Careers Wales to talk to a career adviser.

Girl on laptop with head in hands and dark scribbles over her head to indicate stress for A Level results blog

Don’t let it get you down

Ok, things may not have gone as you wanted them to, but don’t let this beat you. It’s ok to feel sad about it for a bit, but then you need to move on and look towards the future with a positive frame of mind. Be proactive. Make decisions about what to do next rather than feeling down about how bad things have gone. You’re in control of what happens next. 

If you need support and help, our advisers at Meic are here to listen and offer information and advice. We are a confidential, anonymous and free helpline available on the phone, by text or online chat.