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Covid-19 – What Are The Rules Now?

Some tighter Covid-19 rules were introduced by the Welsh Government on Monday 14th September 2020 so we thought we’d clear a few things up about what you can and can’t do, in case you’re feeling a bit confused or overwhelmed by it all.

 I ddarllen yr erthygl hon yn Gymraeg, clicia yma

In March we all had to go into lockdown, only leaving the house for essential reasons like work, shopping or half an hour exercise. That seems like a lifetime ago now. Over the summer we were allowed back out to meet with 30 friends outdoors and create family bubbles with three other households. Life, while far from normal, started to move on. Now the figures of people being infected with Covid are rising again. The Government has had to introduce stricter rules, with some places having to go into local lockdown.

Cartoon woman wearing a mask while shopping for new Covid-19 rules article

Keys! Wallet! Phone! Mask!

Masks now have to be worn in all indoor spaces unless you’re under 11 or you’ve got a valid health or medical reason not to wear one. You don’t have to wear one in pubs or restaurants but you should check their individual rules. Some may ask you to wear a mask to enter/exit until you’re seated. Schools and colleges will have their own rules and they will let you know what these are. You’ll probably need to wear your mask indoors except for in lessons or during breaks outside.

It is recommended that you wear a fabric mask that can be washed regularly. These need to be three layers and need to cover your mouth and your nose. When you put on and remove your mask you need to be careful not to touch your face. You should wash your hands before and after touching the mask, or use hand sanitiser if you’re not able to use soap and water.

Remember it is a legal requirement to wear a mask. People who don’t wear one without a valid reason will be fined.

Want to create your own simple mask – that doesn’t require any sewing? Welsh Government have created a video to show you how to create one from an old cotton t-shirt and some elastic bands.


Popping your bubble

Back in August individual households in Wales were allowed to create an extended household (a bubble) with three other households without a limit on numbers of people. Each household must have the same four households in their bubble and they can’t be changed once chosen. These bubbles are allowed to meet indoors, but there’s now been a slight change to that rule. While you’re still allowed to keep your bubbles you won’t all be able to meet indoors at the same time anymore. Only a maximum of 6 of you can be indoors together at the same time – this includes your home, pub, restaurant etc. Children under 11 don’t count towards the total, so they can be extra to your 6.

It is illegal for more than 6 people from your social bubble to meet indoors. If you’re caught doing this, you will be fined.

Cartoon woman and man wearing masks while high fiving from social distance for new Covid-19 rules article

Outdoor gatherings

There hasn’t been a change in the rule where you can meet up to 30 people outside yet. As long as you still social distance you can meet up with friends and family in the open air and children under 11 don’t have to social distance so they are ok to play with each other outside. You should still practice good hand hygiene and wash your hands and use hand sanitiser regularly.

Keep safe

The best way to keep yourself and others safe is still the simple steps of washing your hands well, keeping a social distance of 2 meters from others, and to self isolate if you’re showing any symptoms.

If you’re struggling with the situation or if anything else is bothering you, then Meic is here to talk. Our friendly advisers are available 8am to midnight every single day to listen, talk and help.